Thursday, October 4, 2018

Week 10 friday

Today we had an interim presentation. It was good to see how everyone's projects were coming along and to get some constructive feedback from my group. It was very positive and they responded well to my designs just have to tweak a few changes here and there. The other groups had done a lot of work but I am by myself so I feel I was at the same level. I need to start thinking about my presentation a bit more but it really depends on how much time I have left at the end.

Notes I took:
Like the aesthetic
Says the design style was very consistent across everything
Few tweaks on the poster
Hashtags pop more
Text could be vertical rather than horizontal
Try hashtags sans serif 

I think they look much better in the sans serif font and they are more noticeable. I like both the bold and the regular however the bold stands out a lot more. I also wanted to try quote marks around the F to see if it made it more obvious but I think its clear enough without. Im still exploring different places for the text to go but I think it looks best where I have it originally.

I started designing the packaging for my meal kits.

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